In the fire service, we throw around the terms brother and sister nonchalantly. Today this could not be any further from the truth, as proved and witnessed by numerous fire departments from around the state and the communities impacted by the line of duty death of Mark Horwich. Danville VFD was honored to be a part of the memorial and funeral today in Spencer.
Upon arrival, we were directed around the Roane County High School, and told to park with the other fire apparatus. Driving in front of the school, Clover VFD and Roane / Spencer VFD had apparatus draped in black to carry the body, and Roane County EMS had several ambulances lined up behind them. Coming around the end of the high school, we were ushered into the fifth row of apparatus. Five rows full of rescues, tankers, engines, squads, and everything else to pay tribute to our brother.
As the procession started we drove under a flag hung between two ladder trucks, with several firefighters and officers standing at attention saluting the procession. This is not unusual, however, the rest of the trip was a bit different. Every mile we drove towards the Clover station, there were people, young and old, standing outside in the pouring rain waving flags, holding a salute, and even crying as we drove by. People were stopped in the middle of the road, out of their vehicle holding salutes, to pay their tributes. Not people that had traveled to the area for this purpose, but locals. People caught in traffic. You could see everyone was just visibly shaken, and grieving with the loss of Mark.
To see the community come together like this, pay their tributes and not be deterred by the weather, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I can promise you that every single firefighter, EMS personnel, and law enforcement officer there saw you, and appreciated you. Thank you for your support, thank you for paying tribute to Mark, and thank you for being there for his family and friends as they try to make it through this troubling time.