During a time of crisis, it’s not unusual to see West Virginians coming together to help out each other, and the nation. Currently in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is doing their best to provide for the general public in whatever way is needed. Distilleries and breweries all across the nation and world are pivoting from producing spirits and beer, to producing hand sanitizer. It’s a very easy transition as far as the ingredients, but the actual production and bottling are very labor intensive tasks. Locally, the Appalachian Distillery located right outside of the Ripley / Fairplain area, is doing just that. Thanks to them, all of the Danville Volunteer Fire Department apparatus have a minimum of two bottles of hand sanitizer on them for use by our members while cleaning up from a call on scene. The CDC recommends washing your hands for a minimum of twenty seconds to prevent to spread and contraction of COVID-19, or a hand sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol content.

Once again, we thank the people at Appalachian Distillery for their commitment to the community in which they serve, and first responders. If you’re in need for some hand sanitizer, they’re selling the bottles for $1.50 a piece direct from the distillery. https://appalachian-moonshine.com/